Taking Without Consent
TWOC, Theft of motor vehicle, Unlawfully Taking a Motor Vehicle, UTMV, Aggravated TWOC, Vehicle Interference, Allowing yourself to be carried, Joyriding
Stealing a motor vehicle, also known as joyriding and taking without consent (TWOC) is the offence committed if you drive any motor vehicle without the owner’s permission. If you are a passenger in a stolen vehicle, and you know that the driver does not have permission to take the vehicle, you would be charged with “allowing yourself to be carried” in a vehicle without consent.
The offence covers situations where you take a friend or family member’s car without their permission, as well as when you are accused of simply stealing a vehicle. However, you are not guilty of the offence if you believe that you have lawful authority to take the vehicle, or you genuinely believe that the owner would have given you permission to drive the car in the circumstances of the offence.
Taking a vehicle without consent is a summary only offence, so your case can normally only be heard in the Magistrates Court. Most clients who are convicted by the court for this offence receive Community Orders instead of prison sentences. However, you should be aware that the court also has a power to disqualify you from driving.